Call Centre Training – Top eLearning Companies for UK Contact Centres

Effective call centre training can be the difference between winning loyal customers and losing their business altogether. Studies have shown that poor customer experience is costing companies £235 billion in lost sales in the UK alone, and nearly half of consumers have switched to a competitor for this reason.

Call Centre Training in the UK

Call centre customer service is a big part of the overall business experience. As well as lack of signposting to customer service lines and no call back option, long contact centre wait times and a poor experience with the call centre agent are cited as top causes of unhappiness. The latter can usually be remedied by better onboarding and skills development training.

With so much at stake, excellent call centre training could be one of the smartest investments your company will ever make, and provide a real competitive advantage. It can help turn your staff from being a potential weak link to the greatest strength of your business, wowing customers and turning them into an army of advocates.


eLearning for Contact Centres

By using elearning for call centre training, you can make learning materials available 24/7 at any location. Content can be updated extremely quickly, which can be important for those working in fast-changing and highly regulated industries where adherence to best practice and compliance are essential.

Here are some of the top elearning companies for call centre training in the UK to help your staff achieve customer service excellence.

Day One Technologies

eLearning for Call Centres from Day One

This Yorkshire elearning company has worked with some of the biggest brands in the UK and Europe to help them achieve call centre excellence. Accustomed to working in high-pressure, highly regulated industries, Day One Technologies has created bespoke elearning content and call centre system simulations for the likes of Lloyds Bank, Co-op and TSB.

Furthermore, their elearning team includes staff with nearly 40 years of combined experience of L&D roles within UK and global contact centres. Read some of their staff insights into call centre performance and training strategies here.

Day One’s solutions have been used to training thousands of staff simultaneously across multiple locations.

Learn more about Call Centre Training from Day One including impressive case studies that demonstrate true impact.

They have also produced a useful list of the leading call centre software solutions for helping companies to improve their customer service and overall agent performance.


The Axonify Microlearning platform

Axonify is a microlearning platform that makes bite-size training easy and accessible across multiple devices. In the field of telecoms, their solutions helped BT to deliver on a range of business goals that included reduced call handling time, fewer repeat customer calls, and increased knowledge retention.

Read the BT case study from Axonify for more on their results.


Brightwave elearning, UK

One of the leading elearning companies in the UK, Brightwave has worked with a number of well-known brands to create bespoke elearning content. For Sky, Brightwave created an employee induction portal as part of a 5-year strategy to place elearning at the heart of their business.

Learn more about Brightwave elearning solutions on their website.


Training for Both Customer & Staff Retention

In addition to the business benefits of of increasing customer retention, great training can also make your teams feel competent, confident and valued – and encourage them to stay with you. Call centres have a higher than average staff turnover at a reported 26% in the UK, with the average cost of replacement being over £6,000 not including the costs of disruption and lost productivity during time to competency.

Rather than being seen purely as a cost, good call centre training should be seen as a cost-saving measure and a business investment. One of the companies above, proven in delivering great call centre training, should be able to help keep your staff, your customers and your business happy.

Av Srivastava

eLearning Marketing Consultant

About Av

Av Srivastava is an elearning writer and marketing consultant who has worked with a range of learning solution providers in the UK and worldwide.

He researches and writes about the latest and best elearning solutions to help buyers choose the ideal company for their needs.

He also helps great elearning companies to understand their perfect customers, get the visibility they deserve, and develop steady streams of inbound enquiries.