The Business Game Course Review

An e-LCET Review of The Business Game

The Business Game is a simulation-based elearning game. The learner takes on the role of an entrepreneur who was just been given £1 million to start a new business and make a profit selling a product of her choice.

The Business Game Genre MixELCET TBG Genre PieChart

When we begin  an e-LCET review for an elearning course, the first thing we do is highlight which genres of learning are used in the course.

This helps to demonstrate what exactly the course is for, how it teaches the learner, and what categories the course must score highly on to be considered a good elearning course.

It also helps us to determine if the course uses genres which appropriate to the learning content and level. A course with genres that are fit for purpose is a good elearning course.

This pie chart represents the genre mix for The Business Game. As you can see, the most prominent genres featured are Simulations and Games, Immersive Learning and the Menu structure. This is what you would expect for a simulation-based elearning game.

The Business Game Evaluation 

TBG Evaluation MarksThe next step of the e-LCET evaluation process is to give each genre involved in the elearning course a mark out of 6. Here you can see the marks for The Business Game:

As The Business Game is a modern piece of extremely well produced elearning, it scores highly on all of its genres.

However, from the Genre Mix, we know  that the most important genres to pay attention to are the Simulations and Games, Immersive Learning and Menu. As we can see from the scores, The Business Game scores full marks for two of these genres, and 5.7/6 for the Menu. This demonstrates that The Business Game is an extremely effective piece of elearning, as it scores highly on its most prominent genres.

We also convert these marks in to a spider diagram to provide a visual representation of the quality of the course: TBG Evaluation Spider


In conclusion, The Business Game uses the format of a game to teach the learner how to run and work in a business. It also comes with supporting materials which provide thorough and relevant background information and an excellent glossary. The game itself is very well produced, with good images and audio. The structure of the game works well – it effectively teaches, tests and reinforces. It is consistently engaging and fun.

It is engaging, effective elearning, and therefore receives our Learning Light seal of approval: